Friday, March 15, 2013

Update - March 15, 2013 (Also Day 15 & Day 16 SotD)

Hello my lovelies,
I'm just going to update you all on what is new in the life of Megan. 

For the past two days it has been quite difficult for me. That's why I haven't done my Day 15 and Day 16 Song of the Day posts. 

One of my mom's best friends has been battling cancer for the past 19 months. Even though we are trying to remain positive it is looking quite grim. Fortunately, I have an odd way of looking at death, and the fact that she's passing doesn't pain me as it did when she was first diagnosed. I am glad that we got to spend the last 19 months with her in our lives, but I'm also glad that her pain and suffering will end here shortly. She will move onto a better place; that I am absolutely sure of. 
The hardest part of her passing, though, is that she is going to leave behind a husband and a 14-year-old son. These people are my family, and I hate seeing my family in pain. L (That's what I'm going to call her son for the moment) is like a little brother to me. He is the sweetest 14-year-old I have ever met in my life, I swear, and seeing him in this much pain....well that's the most heartbreaking part of this whole experience. I'm going to miss her so much when she's gone, but I'm going to make sure that her memory lives on. I am cutting my hair in September for Pantene Beautiful Lengths in honor of her, and I will continue growing my hair out and cutting it for as long as I can. 

On a happier note though...I got a call from Denny's today, and I have orientation to start my new job on Sunday! I am very excited to start this part of my life. I hope that I will learn a lot of new things; mostly because this is a new industry for me. I've worked in retail for most of my life with a very little amount of office work on the side. I have always wanted to know what it was like to work in the food industry, and I'm finally getting my chance. :)

Secondly! I got another letter from Joe today. The first letter that I got was written while he was in processing before he actually went to BCT. The letter that I received today was written during his first week there at basic, and he wrote to report that it isn't as bad as he thought it would be! That's such a relief to me because there is nothing I want more than for my man to be safe. I'm not trying to say that basic training isn't a safe environment....I get that they don't let idiots into the military.

Alrighty so here are the Song of the Day posts as promised ☺

Day 15
Here is a classic that we all (well most of us) know and love ♥

Journey - "Faithfully"

Day 16
I needed a little country in my day yesterday, so for the most part I listened to Lady A. Here is a great song by them. I've got the best man I could have ever asked for. ♥
Lady Antebellum - "When You Got A Good Thing" 

~ Always Yours,

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