I have been contemplating all day about what kind of resolutions I'd like to make for this new year. I don't want to make the typical ones like "lose weight" or something like that. I didn't make any resolutions for 2012 because I didn't feel I needed to. The reality was...I really did. Going into 2012 I was facing a lot of challenges that I had no idea how to handle, and it made me lose sight of who I am. Coming out of 2012 I feel that I have learned a lot more about myself as a person, and the strength that I possess, than I have any other year. With that being said I also have realized that I need to work on a lot of things, and that's where the idea of this post comes to play. Here are my 2013 resolutions...but I'm going to state them in a different way ;)
1. "Be the change you want to see in the world" - Gandhi. That is one of the very first things I think of whenever I listen to Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror". I have often talked about what I think is wrong with the world, wrong with society, or even wrong with myself, but I've never taken the time to stand up and fix it. That's my first new year's resolution; be the change.
Man in the Mirror - Michael Jackson
2. Most of the people who know me outside of my blog know that I'm pretty...tightly-wound. Not in the über-serious kind of way. I just have a hard time relaxing. This next song is pretty cliché, but Cyndi Lauper says it perfectly. My second resolution is let loose and have a good time because girls just wanna have fun ;)
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
3. So...I know that I have annoyed a lot of people this past year with how down and pessimistic I've been. My third new year's resolution is to be more positive, and I can't think of a better song that makes me feel positive than Katrina and the Waves' "Walking on Sunshine" ☼
Walking on Sunshine - Katrina and the Waves
4. I don't know about all of you, but I am always in need of working on my confidence. I'm not saying that I'm not confident; I just think everyone needs a little re-adjusting confidence-wise every now and then. I need to have confidence in myself, and I don't know what better way to feel confident about myself then with a little sex....okay maybe just a song about sex that makes me feel pretty confident. ;)
The Sex is Good - Saving Abel
5. My last resolution is to focus on my music more. It's a pretty simple resolution, but I think it's one of the most important ones. The song I chose has a very special meaning for me, and if you listen really closely you might be able to figure out why.
Bleed - Cold feat. Aaron Lewis
I hope you all enjoyed my new year's resolutions! If you'd like I'd love to hear what yours are. Write them in the comments below :)
~ Always Yours,
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