Monday, December 31, 2012

Time for New Year's Resolutions!

I have been contemplating all day about what kind of resolutions I'd like to make for this new year. I don't want to make the typical ones like "lose weight" or something like that. I didn't make any resolutions for 2012 because I didn't feel I needed to. The reality was...I really did. Going into 2012 I was facing a lot of challenges that I had no idea how to handle, and it made me lose sight of who I am. Coming out of 2012 I feel that I have learned a lot more about myself as a person, and the strength that I possess, than I have any other year. With that being said I also have realized that I need to work on a lot of things, and that's where the idea of this post comes to play. Here are my 2013 resolutions...but I'm going to state them in a different way ;) 

1. "Be the change you want to see in the world" - Gandhi. That is one of the very first things I think of whenever I listen to Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror". I have often talked about what I think is wrong with the world, wrong with society, or even wrong with myself, but I've never taken the time to stand up and fix it. That's my first new year's resolution; be the change

Man in the Mirror - Michael Jackson

2. Most of the people who know me outside of my blog know that I'm pretty...tightly-wound. Not in the über-serious kind of way. I just have a hard time relaxing. This next song is pretty cliché, but Cyndi Lauper says it perfectly. My second resolution is let loose and have a good time because girls just wanna have fun ;) 

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper

3. So...I know that I have annoyed a lot of people this past year with how down and pessimistic I've been. My third new year's resolution is to be more positive, and I can't think of a better song that makes me feel positive than Katrina and the Waves' "Walking on Sunshine" ☼

Walking on Sunshine - Katrina and the Waves

4. I don't know about all of you, but I am always in need of working on my confidence. I'm not saying that I'm not confident; I just think everyone needs a little re-adjusting confidence-wise every now and then. I need to have confidence in myself, and I don't know what better way to feel confident about myself then with a little sex....okay maybe just a song about sex that makes me feel pretty confident. ;) 

The Sex is Good - Saving Abel

5. My last resolution is to focus on my music more. It's a pretty simple resolution, but I think it's one of the most important ones. The song I chose has a very special meaning for me, and if you listen really closely you might be able to figure out why. 

Bleed - Cold feat. Aaron Lewis

I hope you all enjoyed my new year's resolutions! If you'd like I'd love to hear what yours are. Write them in the comments below :) 

~ Always Yours,

Friday, December 14, 2012

Shaken & Stirred; the Aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting

I woke up this morning, and the first thing I saw when I opened MSN was an article about a an elementary school. I clicked on the article and began reading. The gunman went on a rampage, firing at students and faculty, all of them defenseless against him. That gunman took lives today. There were children shot and killed. They weren't just killed...they were murdered. Then he took his own life. The sick, twisted individual responsible for the massacre took his own life. Personally, I would have rather he lived. Then he would be sentenced to life in prison...or worse. 

I was slightly numb to the whole ordeal for a while. I logged onto Facebook this afternoon only to log right back out after seeing 95% of my Facebook news feed filled with posts about the shooting. I didn't want to see it. I went to work like this. Like I said; I was numb to it. 

Then it hit me. I'm not in school anymore, but I have family and friends that still are. My sister is in high school, and I know how the security is there. It's not the greatest. It could have been her. It could have been my cousins. Luckily it wasn't. 

When I got home from work my mom stood up, looked at me, and I burst out crying. The terror I feel now is like something I've only felt once, and that was the day of the 9/11 attacks. It's times like these that really make us value the people in our lives. I don't know what I'd do if that were to have happened to any of my family members. My heart goes out to all those who survived their children, grandchildren, family, friends, etc. They have to live with the heartache. 

To all of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting may you rest in peace. - 12/14/12

Always Yours,

Sunday, December 2, 2012

My Wiccan Path; Questions.

For those of you who don't know...I'm a practicing Wiccan. I am also a "witch". Reading this may come as a shock, but it's something that I'm very passionate about, and have been for quite some time. There are so many things that I want to write about it, but I know that in order to do so I need to clarify some things first and foremost. Many people have questions and I've never been the type of person to shun another because they are curious about it. I'm also not the type to judge a person merely because they have chosen to judge me, so if you don't like that I'm a Wiccan and Witch I won't think any less of you. It's your choice, and following the Wiccan path is mine. Now for some of the more common questions I've been asked...

~ Q: Are Wiccans Satanists? A: This is actually the most common question I get. Not that it surprises me. Most people are either misinformed or have absolutely no idea what Wicca is. No, Wiccans are not Satanists. Satan is a Christian figure; not a Wiccan one.

~ Q: What is Wicca? A: Wicca is a nature-based religion. Wicca is actually a fairly new religion, but the practice that it stems from pre-dates most religions today. 

~ Q: How long have you been practicing Wicca? A: I have been practicing since I was in the 5th grade. I got my first book, "Teen Witch" by Silver Ravenwolf, and have been fascinated ever since. I became more focused in my practice when I entered high school, though, and that led to me having my dedication to the Craft last summer. 

~ Q: Why Wicca? A: Wicca is the only place I feel like I spiritually belong. There are so many people out there who don't have something they can look to for guidance in their lives, and I can gladly say that I'm not one of them. I just ask the Goddess for help, and I know that she will help steer me in the right direction.

~ Q: What are rituals/spells like? A: I can't really discuss what goes on within rituals and/or spells. I can tell you that as Wiccans we live by the Wiccan Rede which is "An it harm none, do what ye will". We will not do something to harm another, and we will not choose to use spellcraft as a form of manipulation or against someone's free will; i.e. love spells.

~ Q: How do I become a Wiccan? A: I would suggest reading. Lots and lots of reading. The first thing you have to do is decide whether or not it's the right path for you, and that can take years. There are so many prejudices these days that some people can chicken out of their dedication because they don't want to risk what society might or might not think of them afterwards. Its a difficult decision that shouldn't be taken lightly. :) 

There are a lot of other questions, but these are the most common I receive. I hope you all enjoyed what you read. If you have any further questions don't be afraid to leave them in comments. Have a blessed day, friends! 

Always Yours,

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Welcome to the 21st Century - Tattoos are welcome!

After years (yes, YEARS) of consideration I have finally made the leap....I got my first tattoo. It is something that I thought long and hard about. I wanted the placement to be perfect. I wanted the design to be flawless. It has finally been put on my body, and I couldn't be happier. 

Isn't she beautiful? I hope I don't have to tell you all what the tattoo is. Even if I don't I'll tell you anyway; it's a guitar with a treble clef as the neck and head of it. I have been involved in music ever since I can remember. I was the kid singing "I Like It, I Love It" by Tim McGraw at the age of 2, I picked up my first guitar and started learning chords at the age of 7, I started playing trumpet at the age of 11, and I learned to play french horn at 17. Music is my source of power, my passion, and the one place I feel I belong. I don't know what I'd do without it. I intend of managing musicians as a career, and I have already started my journey into that. There is so much behind this tattoo....I am in love with it. 

Anyways, the actual point of this article is this; are tattoos A) finally becoming socially acceptable or B) are there still people who think its "trashy" or "idiotic"? Here's the answer...both A & B. I have already been hit by this, and I just got it done not 4 hours ago. My mom has always been supportive of who I am; no matter how unique. My step-dad on the other hand...he's more old-fashioned. I got home (yes, I live with my parents at the moment) and showed him my beautiful tattoo, and he sighed and shook his head. Luckily, he had the power to keep his actual opinions to himself. It just got me thinking about tattoos and their place in society. There are a lot of places where tattoos are still highly frowned upon, but luckily there are a lot of places that are more lenient than they used to be. I work in a medical billing company, and I know for a fact that my tattoo would not only be accepted, but my co-workers (even my boss) are going to be excited to see it come Monday morning. I knew what my step-dad's reaction would be before I got the tattoo, but that didn't stop me. I know some people, though, that haven't taken that leap specifically because they've heard from people that it would make them look like they're trashy or in a gang. C'mon people, it's just an artistic expression.

Oh well. I guess you all can see my point of view on the matter. :P

Always Yours,

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Bucket List

I know a lot of people who like to do these for things to do during the summer, or maybe even just a year of their life. I'm currently in college, and I know that a lot of my friends and fellow students have decided to create a bucket list for college. I've decided to make my own, but this is going to be the top things I want to do during my lifetime. I hope you enjoy these, and maybe they'll give you some hints towards making your own. ;) 

Here you go; the Bucket List

1. Complete a song.
2. Spend New Years Eve in Times Square.
3. Backpack through Europe.
4. Live somewhere else than my hometown.
5. Swim with dolphins.
6. Donate my hair to someone who needs it more.
7. Touch an orca. 
8. Swim under a waterfall. 
9. Mardi Gras in New Orleans. 
10. Be a maid of honor in someone's wedding.
11. Go to ComicCon
12. Witness a meteor shower.
13. Volunteer. 
14. Have a child/Become a mother.
15. Do something selfless.
16. Take a stand.
17. Make a difference in someone's life.
18. Camp on a beach.
19. Go to Oktoberfest in Germany and/or Amsterdam.
20. Drink tequila in Mexico. 
21. Visit Irish castles.
22. Write my own cook book.
23. Learn how to shoot a gun.
24. Do something spontaneous
25. Take a self-defense class.
26. Clean a lonely grave.
27. Fix my back so I don't feel like an 80-year-old.
28. Choose a country and learn the language, customs, cuisine, art, and history.
29. Get a tattoo that means something.
30. Have a random piercing. 
31. Have a military pen pal.
32. Get married to my best friend.

I'm sure there will be more added on eventually. These are the things I want to do before I die. I'm sure you all have those special things you wish to do, or hope to do before your time runs out. I bet if you write them down you'll actually do them. 

Always Yours,

Monday, June 25, 2012

Single Isn't a Disease

Have you ever gone out with a friend only to find out that they're actually setting you up on a date? This has happened to me a couple of times in the last year, and while I find it flattering that they want me to be as "happy" as they are (because they're in a relationship and not single like I am); I also want to scream and say "Hey! There's a reason I'm single!"

What I mean is that I have no trouble finding dates. I know for a fact that I'm charming, I tend to have a sense of humor that matches the Capricorn's typical dryness, and I also know that physically I'm attractive enough that I may get offered a couple of drinks at a club. I stand at 5 foot 3 inches, have naturally red hair, and I have the hourglass figure that appeals to men. (Note that I said men..not boys)

Now I won't say that I don't enjoy getting attention from guys because let's face it; I'm female. Getting attention is one of those things that women naturally need in their lives. That's also why we're more drawn to drama, cat fights, and stealing each others boyfriends. Back to my point. 

I have dated in the past. I had a few "long-term" relationships, and a few not-so-long-term ones as well. I've been the rebound, the hookup, the ex-sex, the unknown, and honestly...none of those are fun. They lead to loss of self-respect, loss of dignity, and most importantly the loss of the one thing that I'm supposed to hold dearest to me; my heart. I've been single for over a year and a half, and I've somehow managed to have my heart broken not once but twice. I don't know how many of you have truly been heartbroken, but if you want to know how heartbreak feels you should read my poem "December". (I may or may not decide to post that on here) 

I don't hate being single. I don't necessarily like it either. It's a lonely life. I miss being able to tell any news, good or bad, at any give moment to a significant other. Sure, I have friends, but when it boils down to it you can't always text them or call them just so that you can tell them something that has happened. I miss late-night phone conversations that last 5 hours long, and the only reason you stop is because your eyes can't manage to remain open. I miss having someone I can open up to, and know that anything that I say won't change the way they feel about me. I miss all of those things. Hell, I don't even remember what it's like to kiss someone. 

I'm not the desperate teenage girl that I once was. In high school, and even the years before that, it seemed that in order to fit in and be accepted into that particular society I needed to be a part of a pair. I needed a boyfriend. I wouldn't be like everyone else if I wasn't the second half to a couple. This is what fueled my desire to be whoever I needed to be in order to get the guy. I was good at it too. I'm not that girl anymore. I grew out of that phase fortunately. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is that while I enjoy the attention and the knowledge that I'm "dateable" I find myself unable to put myself out there in that aspect. I like having friends. I like having guy friends. But I don't want anything more than friends. Friends are what I need right now. I'm young and I'm ambitious. This leaves very little room for someone who might, or might not, be my "Prince Charming"; if that even exists. I'm not willing to risk my future for a relationship again. I'm nineteen years old. I have plenty of other risks I can take.

Being single doesn't mean that I'm unhappy. Yes, being single can be lonely. Especially when you have friends shoving their happiness from their relationship and family down your throat. Single isn't a disease though. I will eventually be ready for a boyfriend...lover...husband...who knows. Just not now.

Always Yours, 
