Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 2 -- "My Best Friend"

Day 2

 When I think of Joe my first thought is that he's my best friend. Throughout our relationship I have felt absolutely no need to hide anything from him. That has to be one of the most important things in a relationship. He truly is my best friend, and I can't wait to hear from him again. ♥

Tim McGraw - "My Best Friend"

Always Yours,
Megan ☼

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 1 -- "I Won't Give Up"

Alrighty, so as you read in my last post my boyfriend, Joe, is currently away at basic training. I need a way to countdown the days, and I figure what better way to do it than with something that brought us together in the first place; music. I'm going to be posting a song a day that makes me think of him, of our relationship, or whatnot. Now if this gets too mushy I'm sorry. It's the only thing I have right now. I mean....not really, but I would like to post whatever I damn well feel like and if that's a mushy gushy song than by all means. Anywho, today (Feb. 28th) I will be posting two songs because although it's after midnight I still haven't gone to bed, so I subconsciously think it's the 27th still ;) 

Day 1

Jason Mraz - "I Won't Give Up"

I personally think this is one of Jason Mraz's best. It's simple yet it communicates such a strong message. It's hard not to love it really. I hope you enjoy! :o)

Always Yours,

Life Update!

Okay, so it's been a little over a month and a half since I last wrote. For everyone who has been reading I'm really sorry! Anyways, this is just going to be an update post, so that you all can know whats going on in my life.

I'm looking into getting a second job. I will still work at Claire's as a key holder, but I need more hours and that's something that I can't get at Claire's right now. It's not my boss' fault, so I can't really complain. I put in an application for Denny's as a waitress on 3rd shift. I hope I get it. :)

Anyways, more importantly I have been seeing my boyfriend for a couple of months now. I mean we hadn't made it official until the end of January, but we've been hanging out for a while. His name is Joe. There are so many things I could say about him, but I don't want to get too mushy. :P 

Joe and I at his farewell party -- Feb. 22, 2013

Joe in the US Army National Guard, and he is currently on his way to BCT (basic combat training) in Fort Jackson, South Carolina where he will be for the next 9 weeks. In those 9 weeks I will only be able to talk to him via letters sent back and forth between us. At the end of those 9 weeks I am traveling down to South Carolina with his family so I can see his graduation. I'm beyond excited to see him again. It's only been two days, but it feels like a lifetime already. After he graduates from basic he will be flying to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri where he will go to AIT (advanced individual training) for 16 weeks. Luckily while he's at AIT he will be able to communicate a lot more.

I could go on and on about him it seems....again trying not to be too mushy. 

I have been thinking a lot about what I want to do with my life. I mean obviously I still want to manage musicians. I think that'd be the best job for me, but I want to do many other things as well. I've been contemplating going to cosmetology school so I can have something to fall back on. I've also been thinking about going to culinary school because cooking is something that I have become quite interested in. That's just the start of the list.

Anywho, I guess that's about all the update I can really give for now. I have a surprise but that won't be written about until around August or so. :)

Always Yours,